North Cyprus among 5 Best Beachfront Buys For 2021

A beachfront home in İskele, North Cyprus, is ranked as the world’s top investment in 2021 for those looking to live or retire abroad.

The other four top spots listed by business and investment Forbes Magazine are in Columbia, Brazil, Mexico, and Belize.

The findings are based on research for the Live and Invest Overseas’ 2021 Global Property Survey. Its annual index considers a variety of criteria when determining the world’s best locations for investing in homes abroad.

The survey compares the cost of buying two-bedroom, two bathroom apartments in neighborhoods where “an ex-pat retiree would be comfortable and likely to buy.” The recommended locations also have strong rental markets, making them ideal investment opportunities.

Forbes: “If you’re up for an adventure at this stage of your life while stretching your retirement budget to buy a bona-fide luxury standard of life on one of the world’s most beautiful stretches of coastline, Northern Cyprus should be at the top of your list”