A revolutionary
way to educate.
The Near East University was founded in 1988 in Nicosia, North Cyprus’ capital, and as an international higher education institution with highly qualified staff, it provides the most comprehensive undergraduate and postgraduate education opportunities to over 26 thousand students from over 100 countries. Near East University comprises 20 faculties with 220 departments and programs, 8 graduate schools with 218 graduate and postgraduate programs, and 3 high schools, as well as 28 research institutes and foreign affiliations. The University is a full member of the European University Association (EUA), the International Association of Universities (IAU) within the UNESCO body, the International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP), Joint Commission International (JCI), the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), and 118 other national and international institutions and foundations, with many more membership applications in various disciplines pending.
aims of Near East University

Aims to strengthen social, cultural, and academic links between the international world and the Turkish community while adhering to contemporary civilization values. NEU acts in accordance with the goals of advancing TRNC’s social, cultural, and economic advancements by offering opportunities for scientists to do research and publish their findings, as well as overseeing educational concerns.

To be a higher education institution in accordance with the broad purposes and core principles of the National Turkish Education System, the criteria and principles of the national higher education system, and the overall international values that address global higher education aspirations. Our vision, which reflects our values and acts in accordance with our policy, which is founded on the Turkish educational system’s principles, attempts to demonstrate how to achieve various goals and facilities in the setting.

First and foremost, the task of forging historical and national solidarity between Turkey and the TRNC on concrete basis is noteworthy. This purpose manifests itself not only as a process of building academic and cultural facilities, but also as a process of ensuring the cultural unity of Turkish and TRNC youth.
General information about Near East University
Many firsts in Cyprus are found at the Near East University, which stands out as a small town of education in the heart of Cyprus. The Faculty of Medicine, which is North Cyprus’ only Faculty of Medicine; the Faculty of Dentistry, which is North Cyprus’ first and only faculty; the Dentistry Clinics, which are the world’s first JCI accredited private dentistry clinics; and the Super Computer, which is one of the world’s most advanced and powerful computers, capable of supporting several international research and academic studies, including the CERN. the Grand Library, which houses various national and international conferences and is the largest and most extensive library in the Eastern Mediterranean region, with over a million printed books and 115 million electronic sources; The Near East University Facility, which is the most advanced research and training hospital in the Eastern Mediterranean region; and the Faculty of Pharmacy, which is North Cyprus’ first and only pharmacy faculty. Near East University students have access to a variety of on-campus facilities and opportunities, including sports fields, shops, restaurants, 5000-person dormitories, health and fitness centers, hospitals, cafes, student clubs, radio-TV center, library, Olympic swimming pool, national and international banks, travel agencies, post office, scheduled coaches running from early morning to late night, and 24 hour security.
Since its founding, the Near East University has grown to become Cyprus’ greatest higher education institution and cultural center, with the primary goal of educating self-assured, highly qualified, motivated, and driven individuals.
At the Final Declaration of the International Conference convened by the Delegates of Turkic World, the Grand Library of the Near East University was named the “Central Library of Turkic World.” Only 28 colleges around the world have access to a supercomputer that can execute over 15 trillion operations per second, making them one-of-a-kind in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. The Near East University Hospital, which was given life after a dedicated investment of more than 150 million dollars; Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, and Dentistry Clinics that are JCI (Joint Commission International) accredited, Faculty of Pharmacy that shares the same features and excellent quality as the Faculty of Dentistry, the Olympic Swimming Pool, which is one of the country’s most advanced and modern sports facility complexes,
Dr. Suat Günsel, the university’s founding rector, says he appreciates both the amazing beauty of the campus’ verdant areas and the sophisticated foundations and organizations described above.
The Near East Colleges, which follow the Pre-School Foundations of the Near East University, are known as the “Foundations of Wisdom,” as they were the forerunners of the country’s elementary, secondary, and high school education, both private and public. As a result, they represent the educational units for which Dr. Günsel’s followers and staff are responsible, ranging from pre-school levels to institutes where PhD programs are conducted.
Accreditations and memberships
Near East University
EUA – European University Association

IAU – International Association of Universities

FUIW -Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World


FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation)

ACPE – Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (CERTIFICATION COMPLETED)


Architectural Accreditation Board (MIAK)

ICA – International Communication Association (MEMBERSHIP COMPLETED)

Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON)

JCI – Joint Commission International (ACCREDITATION COMPLETED)

EUPRERA – European Public Relations Education and Research Association (MEMBERSHIP COMPLETED)

ICOGRADA – International Council of Graphic Design Associations (MEMBERSHIP COMPLETED)

FIP – International Pharmaceutical Federation (MEMBERSHIP COMPLETED)

ASIIN – Accreditation Agency for Degree Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ACCREDITATION COMPLETED)

Turkish Republic Higher Education Board

Higher Education Inspection and Evaluation Board

"educate students who can have their own stories written by their nations and countries, it is the university that enables its students think as much as a super computer rather than a laptop."
– Dr. Suat İ. Günsel

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