You can’t solve a problem on the same level that it was created. You have to rise above it to the next level.”
~ Albert Einstein

The need for innovation has never been greater. In the digital age, new competitors emerge more quickly than ever, and product life cycles are growing shorter. Companies seeking to stay ahead of the game need a continuous stream of innovations that can help them sustain their growth rates and maintain their competitive advantages.
Research and development (R&D) is imperative to withstand competition, waves of disruption, and obsolescence. R&D initiatives provide an edge of innovation to corporates for their products and services. Here’s an overview of the top R&D spenders based on annual reports.
At the heart of Satrap group is a workgroup community that includes the Research & Development, a collaborative effort that taps the talents of members who work together to represent the interests of all facets of our company, customers, and our investors.
R&D aspects in Satrap Group

Customers' satisfaction and loyalty
Customer satisfaction is the key factor for successful and depends highly on the behaviors of frontline service providers. Customers should be managed as assets, and that customers vary in their needs, preferences, and buying behavior. R&D workgroup in Statrap group tries to detect the customer demands and cover all of them in the scintific ways

Investors play a major and vital role in the success and growth of a company. Because of that fact, it’s of the utmost importance for companies to maintain strong, transparent relationships with investors. This is where the investor relations department of a company comes into play.
R&D section of Satrap group tries to make the best cost benefit analysis (CBA) of different project to give the best options for the investors who wants to invest in properties in North Cyprus

COmpany development
Various sources have listed Cyprus geographically, sometimes as part of Europe, sometimes as part of West Asia, and sometimes in the Middle East. Cyprus has hot, dry summers and mild winters. About 12.% of its land is under cultivation and it contains citrus, potatoes, wheat, olives and barley.
Some of the companies we are worked with